Who We Are
Our Church
A church is not a building, it is a gathering of people. We are a group of people, of different ages, from different places. We gather together because we have something in common… we all love and follow Jesus. A church is a family of people, committed to Jesus and to each other.
We are Evangelical
The word "Evangelical" comes from another word meaning “gospel” or “good news”. The gospel is the good news about Jesus and we try to keep this central in all that we do. Jesus Christ was a man born over 2000 years ago. But He is so much more than that, He is our Saviour, our King and our Redeemer. It is our conviction that the God who is Father, Son and Spirit has made himself known in Jesus Christ.
The Bible
This good news is made known to us in the Bible, so because of this the Bible is our authority. Alongside millions of evangelical Christians around the world, we believe that the Bible is God's true and powerful word which contains all that we need to know for life and for salvation, and which ought to determine all we do and think as a church.
So, as a church, we aim to have beliefs and practices that are shaped by what the Bible teaches. We also desire to glorify God by spreading everywhere the good news about Jesus Christ.